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Australia is Burning - How can you help?



But we haven't done this alone! We have been overwhelmed with feedback and support worldwide so, thank you to all of our beautiful customers who have helped in any way they could.

That said, there are still active fires across the country and many of you have been asking how you can provide more support. There are so many ways to help, but it can be a little confusing choosing who to donate to! So, we've made a little guide below to help you choose which organisations align most with your personal values.

 *All organisations listed below are DFA endorsed, registered charities for bushfire relief and recovery*

I want to give to the fire brigades in my area.

Victoria CFA

New South Wales Rural Fire Service

Queensland Rural Fire Brigade

South Australian Country Fire Service

I want to help provide food to affected areas.

Who they areOzHarvest,

What they do: OzHarvest provides food to areas directly affected by bushfires and drought. They operate nationally and source their food by taking surplus from supermarkets, restaurants, cafes and hotels. They then deliver the food to 1000 charities.

Who they are: FoodBank

What they do: FoodBank assist Australia-wide and are the largest food relief organisation in the country. They provide help by sourcing food and providing it to people in need.

Who they are: GIVIT

What they do: GIVIT spend 100% of the funds received on urgently needed items for affected areas. These items are purchased from businesses in disaster-affected areas to assist in the recovery of the local economy.

I want to help with the rehabilitation of the homes/lives in the affected areas.

Who they are: UNICEF

What they do: UNICEF is focusing on the rehabilitation for young children by providing them with uniforms, school shoes, textbooks and electronic learning devices as well as providing access to psychosocial support.

Who they are: BlazeAid

What they do: BlazeAid help to rebuild fences and other structures which were destroyed in rural Australia.

Who they are: Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund

What they do: All donations are returned to the community, providing financial assistance to Gippslanders.

Who they are: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

What they do: FRRR are the only Australian organisation offering small, discretionary grants. Their goal is to promote economic and social strength of Australia's rural, regional and remote communities. 

Who they are: Greening Australia

What they do: Greening Australia is organising a plan for Bushfire affected areas by planting native seeds and assisting with landscape restoration nation-wide.

Who they are: Victoria Bushfire Appeal

What they do: 100% of donations received are provided directly to communities in need. It is a government organised relief fund partnered with Bendigo Bank and the Salvation Army.

Who they are: Lifeline

What they do: Lifeline will be providing natural disaster support for all Australians experiencing mental health difficulties in the aftermath of the Bushfires.

*If you or someone you know is in an affected area and is in need of support, please head here.* 

I want to help the with the rescue and rehabilitation of Australian wildlife.

Who they are: WWF

What they do: WWF help to save wildlife nation-wide by restoring the habitat of the people and nature. They also help with long-term nature conservation and if you want you can even adopt a koala!

Who they are: Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service inc.

What they do: WIRES are based in NSW and actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same. Due to an overwhelming response, they are currently distributing their assistance Australia-wide.

Who they are: South Australia Veterinary Emergency Management

What they do: SAVEM are a local program to help rescue wildlife.

Who they are: Wildlife Emergency Response Fund

What they do: Wildlife Emergency Response Fund is currently working in Kangaroo Island to help recover and rehabilitate injured animals

Who they are: Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife

What they do: FNPW Assist with the cost of first aid and rescue equipment as well as providing support for wildlife carers

Who they are: Queensland Koala Crusaders Inc

What they do: Located in Queensland they specifically focus on the rescue and rehabilitation of koalas.

Who they are: For Australian Wildlife Needing Aid

What they do: FAWNA work in NSW to assist with wildlife needing aid in areas which WIRES does not normally reach (Mid-North Coast NSW)

Who they are: DingoDen

What they do: DingoDen assist with the rescuing and rehabilitation of Dingos. 

Who they are: Where Pigs Fly

What they do: Where Pigs Fly have created a rescue sanctuary to shelter and care for farmed animals in need in NSW.

Who they are: Wild2Free

What they do: Based in NSW south coast (within the Mogo State Forest), Wild2Free provides a sanctuary for releasing animals back to their natural habitat after rehabilitation. They have recently lost all 3 properties in the bushfires and are in need of donations to help rebuild. 

Who they are: Wildlife Victoria

What they do: Wildlife Victoria rescue, care and rehabilitate animals in the affected areas and educate others how to do the same.

Who they are: RSPCA

What they do: RSPCA Victoria are currently rescuing and treating animals most affected by the Bushfires.

I want to donate to someone who operates on a large scale.

Greenpeace Australia - Assisting with the climate crisis in Australia

Salvation Army - Providing financial and material support to those in need

The Australian Red Cross - Providing recovery programs, emergency assistance, training, equipment and coordination of their volunteers as well as supporting evacuation centres and providing psychological first aid.

If funds are tight, but you still want to help, here are some other items/ways you can donate:

  • Donate goods for dingo rehabilitation.
  • Be part of the Go with Empty Eskys Campaign - “We are encouraging everyone to grab an empty esky, do a road trip, and head into an area impacted by the bushfires, when it’s safe to do so, and really shock locals, fill up that esky with everything local – wine, food, whatever you want,”- Eleanor Ballieu 
  • Donate goods to GIVIT, who provide the items to those most in need.
  • Choose which items you'd like to donate, then use GiveNow to find your local donation centre.
  • Make a ShoeBox of Love - In Queensland and South Australia, you can view needed goods and put together a shoebox with donated items.
  • Take your spare clothes and goods to your local Red Cross.
  • Organise a food drive in your school, workplace, community or sporting club and donate it to FoodBank.

*Is there an important organisation we missed? Don't hesitate to contact our team at to let us know!*

3 comentarios


This is great! I didn’t realise Indie and Harper has given so much, and it’s wonderful you guys, “practice what you preach!” And thanks for putting in all the charities we can give to, this is an awesome, comprehensive list. It’s nice to know there are other, more personal ways we can help those in need. Thanks so much!


This is amazing! What a great summary


Amazing guide! Thank you

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