This month we caught up with our favourite muse ‘Helen Janneson Bense’… better known in the Instagram world as @gypsylovinlight, and also creator of Blog
We feel so blessed to have now worked with this beautiful soul for 12 months (HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HUN xoxo). It is always a thrill when we send her jewels, and then the waiting with anticipation to see how she is going to style them with her ‘oh so’ perfect bohemian wardrobe… Oh how we wished we had everything in that wardrobe!!!
Check out her latest blog here: Byron Blues, where this Bohemian Beauty was lucky enough to head to Blues Fest in Byron Bay, Australia, decked out in Indie and Harper, plus our favourite brand Spell and the Gypsy Collective.

This beautiful soul (and we are not kidding… this woman is not only stunning on the outside but even more so on the inside) has THE MOST AMAZING Instagram account which we stalk every single day.
We absolutely love her Q&A answers and hope that they can inspire you.
What inspired you to start your blog?
It all began in a very organic way. I was taking a photo of my hand one day and just enjoying how cool my rings looked under the light. I decided to post to instagram and from there that one photo spread. Soon I was taking outfit photos and gathering the momentum that was soon to become GypsyLovinLight. I was simply doing what I was loving. And to this day that is still why I do it. Because I love it.
Soon after the instagram posts were going viral I decided to start my blog and it’s been the best outlet for me to express my creative passions. The shop has been a wonderful addition too, where I’ve been able to bring together all my favourite jewellery designers into one place. It’s been a lot of fun for me to create this and watch it grow.

Favourite Instagram Accounts?
@_bahamasgirl_ love all the turquoise waters and magical underwater mermaid imagery + inspirational quotes…it always lifts me when I scroll through and see one of her images
@natgeo I’m so utterly fascinated by the world we live in and all the that there is to explore….and national geographic manage to nail it everytime. Their posts always make me stop in complete awe.
@spell_byronbay – i love how honest and real their account is. It really gives you a great glimpse into the lives of mums who are amazing designers and entrenpreneurs. it’s so inspiring and always visually beautiful, especially when i get a glimpse of magical byron bay.
What music is on your ipod at the moment?
A bit of a mix of everything right now…. these are the first artists that come up on my current fave playlist – Chet Faker, Manu Chao, Jeff Buckley, Tracy Chapman, Angus and Julia Stone, Lamb.
Favourite Drink?
Margarita followed closely by a Strawberry caprioska…you were talking cocktails when you said drink right?
If you could have a dinner party and invite anyone you wanted, who would it be?
Ooohhhh yesterday I might have said Stephen Hawking, but today it’s Leo

Images from @gypsylovinlight, photographer @bobbybense featuring Indie and Harper Jewels from our New ‘Mermaid‘, ‘Navajo‘, ‘Bohemian‘ and ‘Gems and Stones‘ Collections
With Love and Light

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